Spirit Builder


THE SPIRIT BUILDER is a video performance art piece reflecting a highly emotional dramatic transformation of a human soul living in modern society. It’s about embracing all the imperfections, weirdness, and ‘defects’ inherent in one’s nature turning them into strengths to discover its authentic self.

Manifesto: We become original by trying multiple roles, accumulating vast experience and knowledge, and doing random actions. Sometimes it feels like there is no sense in such behavior, but eventually, all the parts come together building up a synergy of the unique identity and a distinctive voice. Through a journey of trial and error, the spirit transforms its shape and constructs its true self. By trying on a variety of roles and titles as well as transforming into all sorts of characters and creatures, the spirit accretes what becomes its form of physical and spiritual growth.




The project was created in collaboration with Ophir El-Boher

Director: Stacy Lovejoy, Raynee Roberts

Producer: Raynee Roberts, Ophir El-Boher

Cinematography: Robert Schmeltzer

Sound: TSVI – The Healer; BATU – Don’t